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We Are The

Loco News With Humour & Heart | Supporting Local Creators and Journalists

Bryan Bakker
May 12, 20231 min read
That's the Power of Radio
Mike Stubbs on singing in the car for exercise, how he loves to work in a car wash and the true power of radio.

Carrie Anne Stephenson
May 9, 20231 min read
Confessions of a Gino Vannelli Wannabe Groupie
This week on my show, Committing Carrie Carrie, I interview one of my all time idols, musician & writer Gino Vannelli! Holy shit! I mean...

Bryan Bakker
May 1, 20232 min read
Earth Feast London
Though we're pretty skeptical that our natural environment has any impact on our health and future we figured we'd check it out anyway.

Bryan Bakker
Apr 7, 20232 min read
MP Lindsay Mathyssen On How Bullshit in Ottawa Often Comes With a Swirl
MP Lindsay Mathyssen talks about the best way to handle balls and how bullshit in politics often comes with a swirl.

Bryan Bakker
Mar 28, 20233 min read
'This Jest In' With Jester Lind
Jester Lind, stand-up comedian, writer and citizen journalist, joins the Newsload team to help inform Londoners of important local news.

Bryan Bakker
Mar 16, 20231 min read
Vertical Dare
THE CRAZY CAT LADY, visited Vertical Air in London Ontario, to try out some pole dancing, acrobatics and much more.

Bryan Bakker
Mar 9, 20232 min read
Fluck Buck's Ax Grind
Local News Presented by Newsload's newest (and oldest) correspondent, Fluck Buck, son of Buck Fluck.

Carrie Anne Stephenson
Mar 3, 20232 min read
Ferrero Rocher Cannoli, a Dark Chocolate Torte and a Tiramisu Whipped up by an Angel.
After filming Fact Fry & Fun with IVY Ristorante, I went there to sample the ambiance. I happily report to highly recommend this ristorante!

Bryan Bakker
Feb 22, 20231 min read
Hey, Every Man Jack
From Shoppers Drug Mart, Newsload delivers an informative report on penetration, rubbing or patting, Every Man Jack, carpet burn care & more

Bryan Bakker
Feb 12, 20231 min read
Fact Fry & Fun Series
When we cook, we talk, and when we talk, we share things, stories, ideas, facts. Often that's what makes cooking so much fun.

Bryan Bakker
Feb 10, 20231 min read
Conspiracy Crush Podcast
Discussing the prevalence of conspiracy theories, hosted by a comedian & reformed conspiracy theorist.

Bryan Bakker
Jan 31, 20233 min read
Coming Comics
Newsload is proud to launch this new series highlighting local comics performing their heart out at local venues throughout the region.

Bryan Bakker
Jan 28, 20231 min read
Newsload's Going Belly 2 Belly
Combating the mental & sexual health challenges exacerbated by social media, Newsload's Belly to Belly series will bring people together,

Bryan Bakker
Jan 22, 20234 min read
Editor's Edition: The Mark Breslin Interview
Mark Breslin, CEO of Yuk Yuk's: The business of comedy, censorship, laughter as therapy, social media & can comedy impact on politics.

Bryan Bakker
Dec 25, 20222 min read
London's Deputy Mayor Talks Satan Worshipping and Limitless Power
Deputy Mayor of London Ontario, Shawn Lewis talks 80s moms, flying colours and Satan worshipping.

Bryan Bakker
Dec 15, 20221 min read
Superfood Superhero
Newsload Correspondent Carrie Anne Stephenson talks indoor farming with Green City Aquaponics' Rheece de Veyra.

Bryan Bakker
Dec 10, 20221 min read
Committing Carrie Carrie
A Newsload interview series featuring Carrie Anne Stephenson talking with guests from across the world who often find there way onto your TV

Bryan Bakker
Nov 23, 20222 min read
My Son, The Hurricane Cometh
Carrie Anne gets the scoop on love, success, tabletop album enders, fashion, dodging cars and dreams of RuPaul from My Son The Hurricane!

Bryan Bakker
Nov 21, 20221 min read
Get That Finger Up There
Former city councillor Harold Usher speaks to the top issues for city council and why we all need too, "Get That Finger Up There".

Bryan Bakker
Nov 9, 20221 min read
Fashion Fire at H&M Masonville Place
Watch Bob - a rough and tumble firefighter, transform before your very eyes into a glorious fashionista and runway god at H&M.
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