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Loco News With Humour & Heart | Supporting Local Creators and Journalists

The Phallic Files
They are here and we are tracking them. Send us pictures of your genitalia (shaped phenomenon) and we'll come out to investigate right away.
Comedic Dismissal
This series explores the unsettling rise of phallic graffiti and bizarre natural formations as a possible extraterrestrial communication strategy. Touted as “comedic dismissal,” these symbols serve to mislead humanity while marking key areas of interest for alien takeover. By masking their true intent with humor, aliens cleverly prevent serious scrutiny. The blog urges readers to re-evaluate these shapes, warning that beneath the surface laughter lies a hidden agenda for domination.

Don't Be Fooled
The aliens' use of humor and phallic symbols as communication tactics masks a far more sinister agenda. By blending in with human culture, they create a façade of harmlessness while strategically planning their invasion. This manipulation not only threatens global security but also undermines individual autonomy and critical thinking. As humans dismiss these signals as jokes, they risk becoming unwitting pawns in a larger extraterrestrial scheme that seeks to dominate and control our world.