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Calling Digital Creatives

Writer's picture: Bryan BakkerBryan Bakker

All up and coming videographers, cinematographers, editors, sound engineers, photographers, you name it, need portfolio to showcase their talents. Let Newsload become your portfolio engine.

Not only are the projects that we take on fun as hell to film, produce and release, we promote our stuff and as we grow so will the number of eyeballs that view your work.


Bryan Bakker, Founder of the Newsload
Bryan Bakker, Founder of the Newsload

I got my start as a videographer filming and editing weddings and legacy videos back in 1999, the year before the world blow up - that was a bummer - up until we survived it, whew, close one I hear. When I got into corporate promo work after starting in 2011, I did a lot of work for free, or at a huge discount. I needed portfolio and company logos on my website that I could say I did work for. That is what Newsload can offer you as an up and coming creative. Portfolio.


What Makes Newsload Special

It is widely known among aspiring creatives that the rapid advancement of A.I. technology poses a significant threat to various sources of our income. The signs are clear that jobs in fields such as graphic design, video editing, even set design will be at risk of being reduced or eliminated in favour of A.I. tools (That was an A.I. generated rephrase. Did pretty good argh)

The Newsload though, is a business that bucks that trend.

You can't A.I. interviewees with local business owners or decision makers, nor would you want too. And the last bastion A.I. will be able to absorb will certainly be the nuanced world of comedy and the alchemy of humour. Newsload, in these ways, is A.I proof, so your investment in us is also a long term investment. As we grow so will the job opportunities that we will be developing and looking for help with.

Get in on the ground floor with a business model that has legs and a future despite A.I. It's as simple as that.

So to sum up:

  • Build portfolio

  • Grow your network

  • Have your work promoted

  • Have fun

Reach out to us and let's chat about how you can volunteer to help produce Newsload content that will keep our community informed. Thank you for your interest!


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