Carrie Anne Stephenson sits down with Deputy Mayor of London Ontario, Shawn Lewis to talk about how and why he got into politics, why 80s moms thought their kids were all satan worshippers, the housing and mental health crisis and why he yearns for limitless power.

Last week Carrie Anne Stephenson and the Newsload ventured deep into the recesses of London City Hall to track down London's newest Deputy Mayor, Shawn Lewis. We found him in his office of all places -- working... suspicious right?
Carrie and I were super stoked to have a chance to chat with Shawn about his political life, why he puts himself forward in public service, despite the often sleepless nights, and what gets him stoked about the future. I just used the word 'stoked' twice. Is that an eighties term? man I'm showing my age. Anyway he was super generous to give us this debut interview.

In this edition, we also debut our new Psych Test, which we're happy to report Shawn passed with flying colours. He seems to have a decent brain in his cranium.
This is good.
Our office of data management and binary recognition studies has concluded the following big brain report regarding the subject communially referred to as "Shawn Lewis":
Shawn is a lovable geek who cares for people and wants the best for our city.
Case Closed CIRCA December 26th, 2022

Thanks for reading and watching, and/or just reading, or just watching.
I feel like I'm missing one.
Oh right - AND.... Check out the whole interview. segmented into a five part series below... (They are being released one a day starting on December 26th, if you're not seeing them all yet.)