There are compelling reasons why the Newsload can not only preserve local news and attract people towards the political center, but also promote a model that can withstand the overwhelming influence of artificial intelligence in all our creative domains.

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is going to be predominant in our future media environment. Knowing this makes it tough to be a creative these days, wondering how you're going to make money doing what you love. Like in so many industries, technological advances seem to be hollowing out the middle. As in, you're either making a tons of money or barely getting by.
There are certain things humans will always be needed for:
To create great comedy: As great as Chat GPT is the subtlety of comedy is so subjective and intuitive, there's really no way to devise an A.I. that can have us all rolling over in stitches. Add to that the subject matter we're building our comedy around is often incredibly nuanced and local.
To tell local stories: A "prompt engineer" can't invent truths on the ground in a local environment and have much longevity online. Someone will always be needed to go out there, set up cameras and interview folks. There is just no way around it.

It’s hard to see it now but, as artificial intelligence makes everything less trustworthy, mainstream media news organizations are going to have a renaissance and it will be huge.
The truth is average folks just want reliable news, not clickbait bullshit all the time. As A.I. gets better at making cheap, easily produced, very real looking, lies, folks are going to put way more value on that what we have always taken for granted - sources that have some integrity.
That's why the Newsload's timing is just right.
We are positioning ourselves as strong allies of mainstream news which means as their resurgence gets under way we will ride with them.
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to invest in the Newsload please contact us.
From the Funny Farm
Bryan Bakker (on X~@BKBakker)
Why leave a comment when you are afraid of people knowing the truth about how sad your site really is. the comedy is brutal and very tasteless...unless you want to hear people cursing and swearing, thinking that any of that is humorous.
Because swearing takes so much talent and as is so creative - right..... ..seriously. ! ! !
Guaranteed this comment is deleted in no time at all.